April 01, 2003


well, i'm up already. 9 am. that's what you get when your roommate goes away for two weeks and leaves you with her whiny cat. lol

yesterday i did something i swore i would never do - i actually rented 8 Mile. yes i did. i didn't wanna see in theaters 'cause it looked like the sort of movie your mom would just love and ask you who this nice eminem fellow was. so i swore i wouldn't never see it. i was getting on with my life just fine when yesterday happens with the lack of recent good films on dvd. i'm frantically looking up as many reviews as i can to see if there's anything that could justify my four bucks.

so that's it.
i didn't watch it yesterday as i'd planned because a) i was too tired (again - lack of sleep) and yesterday evening the montreal canadiens were playing one of their final games of the season (and i actually witnessed them win this one 4-0!).

so, i'm about to watch 8 Mile now. i usually watch movies in the evening, but i recently found out that morning can also be a really good movie-watching time.

ps. the dvd looks so flimsy it's sick. for a film that did this well at the box-office, it's quite deceiving.
i'd expected at least a commentary with curtis hanson. but no. only a couple of "featurettes" and a video-that-is-not-lose yourself.


a big thank you to thomas at oh manchester, so much to answer for for mentioning my little blog on his blog late last night. thanks.


oh, funny thing about the war coverage i've been meaning to mention but always forget to - if you look at cnn, nbc, abc, etc, they got their big war logo with "War in Iraq" and "Showdown with Iraq" in big bold letters. turn over to the cbc (canadian broadcasting company) and guess what their slogan is - "Attack on Iraq". yep. as much as the american media is placated by almost-100% pro-war sentiments and coverage, the cbc has actually taken a subtle step towards the truth of this invasion and calling it an attack rather than a war (an illegal war is either an invasion or an attack). i always feel proud when i see that logo. "agression on iraq" or "invasion of iraq" would've been the right titles to use but don't count on that ever happening in north america.
even if it's small and subtle, it's still a significant stand on the issue. i was proud to see someone actually taking stand and not eating out of the bush administation's press releases for once.
and don't think that this means the cbc is anti-american. no way. but this shows that they are more focused on being journalists first than pandering "patriotics".

Posted by Anonymous | 9:34 AM |