July 23, 2003

"i wanna have me a phat yacht."

aw, shit, george...
george w bush caught in the act. damn, man. i wouldn't touch laura either but, shit, man, keep it under control, will ya?

i've been rather puzzled by the main reaction to the supposed killing of uday and qusay hussein yesterday. i mean, i would've much rather have seen them captured than killed. atrios has the most interesting post of the day (from my point-of-view) on the matter. i think they fucked up, really. and having your two sons killed and having the killers brag about it every-fucking-where kinda enrage you? and what about if you were saddam hussein? not that i care what he'd be feeling, but if i were the u.s. and didn't know where the fuck saddam actually was and what he was doing and who he was controlling, i'd have at least thought about some kind of possible retaliation from saddam for a minute before doing this whole thing.

Posted by Anonymous | 9:15 AM |