October 28, 2003

damn. hot damn.

now i'm fuckin excited about tonight's season premiere of 24. make sure you watch, okay?
watch 24.
tonight on fox, 9pm. thank you.

damn. the roommate knows something i don't about it. lol
i fuckin hate that. but i also don't wanna know until i see the episode :)

frank from chromewaves.net made me giddy about tonight's premiere with only about 10 words.

and the dark side says:
Thumping the lectern with his finger, Bush said, "We should never forget the lessons of Sept. 11. The terrorists will strike." They will not only strike targets in Baghdad, he added, saying "they will strike America, too."

whoa, there, pretty boy!
even though this crap was totally approved by your handlers, you might regret not taking a few minutes out to read the dang thing before spewing crap like this in public. this'll probably end up being another uss lincoln, 16-word, or "imminent threat" moment for ya, dude.

even though a lot of people will actually believe the crap bush and company are throwing at them, it does feel good to actually see the one-trick pony desperately trying to hold on.

ps. they're a hundred times more likely to strike now that your administration has been constantly pissing off nation after nation after nation (sometimes even a bunch in only one day - congrats) in the past year and a half, you dumbass.

self-fulfilling prophecy, dude.
sometimes those are even brought on consciously...

can't wait to see that 9/11 report. if the administration actually decides to let the commission see anything about what happened, that is.

god it's frustrating as all fuckin hell, isn't it?

Posted by Anonymous | 5:20 PM |