October 09, 2003

this is not happening.
this appeared on yesterday's BartCop edition with no link; here's the important text:
I can't believe what I'm reading. A day after Ahnuld gets into office in what has to be California's
biggest practical joke to the United States, I find out that Senator Hatch and the Republican party
wants to change the rules once again, and allow non-native Americans to run for President! This is incredible!

this is not happening. my first thought when i heard Arnold was running for governor of California was that Rove was trying to ease him into the White House. thank god there's that rule stating that you can't be President of the United States if you were not born there. then i thought, 'hat if they change that rule?' but they can't do it after Arnold's been voted in. it's too in-your-face. people are still angry about the vote. people still see this recall/election as a fuckin joke. if true, this needs to be mentioned on every fucking tv show. people will not stand for this.

Posted by Anonymous | 9:59 AM |