November 19, 2003

+ doesn't it strike anyone as a bit hypocrit and coward that bush will visit with the families of the british victims of 9/11 and he never -ever- did that with his own people?

i don't have any other choice but to ask the question - why does bush hate americans so much?

oh, and in the same slap-in-the-face news, bush to meet families of british troops killed in iraq.

why can't the candidates/dems in the senate stir a shitstorm over everything this man does?

btw, it came out really clear to me these past few days - doesn't bush just look like a 5 year-old?
i'm not trying to bring him down or nothing, but look at him waving around like a proud child finally (*finally*) sent by his mom to run an errand as he boards air force one, as he speaks to people, as he tries to convince people of his plans, how he always has that look of being way in over his head, how he's been handed everything in life by other people (and everything he touches immediately turns to shit), and how he never holds himself responsible for any of his actions (and we could even put how he views the world as either good or evil in there, how it's either or black or white). the dude is in arrested development. seriously. i think something happened to him in childhood and he's stuck there.

+ bush critizes gay marriage ruling, citing
said he would work with Congress to "defend the sanctity of marriage."

uh... yeah, us heteros have been giving marriage a great name these past couple of decades. sheesh, is he still drinking?
i wonder how cheney's daughter, who's gay, can join this dumbass' re-election campaign.

+ go read a short chretien interview to see the differences between the canadian and the bush government. very cool interview.
you'll be kicking yourself silly if you're currently living in the u.s. :)

+ uh ... michael kamen died.

Posted by Anonymous | 10:32 AM |