Bush, Blair Express Anger Over Istanbul Bombings [ thanks to billmon ]:
Bush, Blair Express Anger Over Istanbul Bombings [ thanks to billmon ]:
As part of the briefing, Bush startled many by indicating that he could send more troops to Iraq, raising questions about Pentagon statements that the number would be reduced rather than increased in the coming year. He said he would do "whatever is necessary to secure Iraq," whether that means fewer troops or more troops.
His comment appeared to take even top aides by surprise. As the president spoke, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice glanced pointedly toward the press corps assembled inside Britain's Foreign Office, as if to suggest that there might be some clarification coming.
Later a top aide to Bush, who briefed reporters on condition that the aide not be identified, said that Bush was not announcing a change in policy and that expectations remained that troop levels would be reduced. "There is simply nothing to suggest that the number of American forces would need to increase," the aide said. "In fact, the conversations with the commanders have gone the other way."
i loved how the monkey was, once again, blissfully unaware of the mess he was creating just by opening his fuckin' mouth, and how the handlers had to control the situation for him afterwards :)
Posted by Anonymous | 10:39 AM