November 04, 2003

reminder: 24 - season three, 2 pm airs tonight. (oh yeah, i'm gonna do this every week while the show is hot.)

well, dang. it's that time of year again. i'm itching for montreal shoppin'.

i have this thursday off but the cinema du parc only has lost in translation that'd be cool to see.
but -- next monday they have: elephant, lost in translation, and the eye. and apparently, according to a friend of mine, i need to see the eye.

i also wanna swing by ikea and then this cool indie record store so i can stack up on recent releases.

anyone watch last night's daily show with jon stewart?
thanks for the props, dude.
and it feels to finally be able to watch that show. every fuckin' night.

Posted by Anonymous | 12:07 PM |