December 02, 2003

i don't have much to write about these days, the work week has started. i'm onto day 2 today and then last day tomorrow evening before my thursday day off. yay. can't wait.
actually, the boss is supposed to leave early tonight so that'll be cool.

that's it. just wanted to say hi.

oh, and the packaging for matmos' the civil war is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

and i'm glad i 'accdentally' taped the bernie mac premiere (thank god it's sandwiched between the simpsons and malcolm; and that i'm too lazy so i tape fox from 8 to 10 every sunday ; arrested development is also a great show that i've made my mind up to follow each week) this sunday. it's the funniest show and i'm gonna follow it all the way this season.

Posted by Anonymous | 2:56 PM |