December 04, 2003

i'm doing my civic duty and pointing you to the Guardian's article on guantanamo.

[ link courtesy of Do You Feel Loved? ]


pirates of the carribean: the curse of the black pearl wasn't all that. it wasn't disappointing, it was an okay ride, god knows the 143 minutes runtime went by rather quickly, but it rarely gets off the ground for more than 30 seconds at a time. johnny depp makes it rise, though. he's a one-man show, and the damn near ecstatic fun he seems to be channeling makes the whole thing look better.

and kiera knightley is, well, kiera. and that's always more than enough for me. but let me talk about the actress for a moment. i will readily say that i liked her a thousand times more in beckham. obviously. nobody beats beckham in my book. dunno if you can appreciate her in this film, though, if you don't already have an appreciation for her. that is -- she doesn't bring anything new that any other actress wouldn't have brought. but i don't see it as her fault (never will be :) it's a big commercial film, it's expected that there be cardboard characters. but enough with the one-dimensional female roles, alright? unless you've got a female director (or tarantino) at the helm, it doesn't seem like they can be more than cardboard cut-outs, can they?

anyway. some good stuff but don't buy the dvd. i really don't know what they would've done if they hadn't had johnny.

Posted by Anonymous | 11:12 PM |