December 08, 2003

well, thanks to Kyle's great advice on how to translate this css thing into normal text i can now incorporate (and tweak) this code into my blog -- making it totally independent of any third party decisions, and thus not having to worry about some future, random plug-pulling from any type of mind-changing venture on someone else's part.

. . . . . . . .

okay. now i'm almost back to normal, blog-wise. feels good.

today i thought i'd go rent a movie but money's low (i'm expecting a qst tax refund (i guess that's what it's called in english) cheque in the mail today; it's a quebec sales tax thing). i thought i'd keep my dvd-renting money for tomorrow evening; tonight there's the Philly vs Montreal game at 7:30 anyway.

Posted by Anonymous | 2:45 PM |