February 24, 2004


i'm not sure how i feel about the Big Fat Obnoxious ending.

it's bittersweet, to say the least. i mean, money puts a smile on people's faces. definitely. but what the family went through was horrible.

and Steve kept referring to "the show, the show, the show" was great because it made the series even better than they'd expected. and he kept laughing like it was all okay because of the money even though Randi's father just mentioned that money was not a good enough reason to put a family through this kind ordeal. thanks but that doesn't help, Steve.

having the video recap after the wedding was a nice touch, though, since it did give time to the Coys to let the shock out of their system a bit and see the reality of Randi's true intentions for her family.

so that was sweet. but the finale seemed amazingly cruel right up to that point.

btw, i thought the final twist was gonna be that Randi's family was in on it and were giving Randi a hard time, and if they were successful (somehow. dunno how you gauge that) they would win more money for everyone than what was promised to Randi.

but i liked the twist they got with Steve not going along. that was cool.

Posted by Anonymous | 2:14 PM |