February 28, 2004

wow. i just woke up from the coolest dream.

i don't really remember where it started but i think i was at my mother's house, or something that looked like our first house, back when i was a kid. but the biggest part of it took place at this coliseum-type place. it was a huge mall. i was with a friend from work and then we ran into another friend. we shopped and shopped and loaded the cart up. then it was time for the big show so we went to this huge opera-like theater (which was part of the "mall"). there were multiple levels in this thing and it wasn't all straight forward. the places down in front were all taken, of course, so we sat at the back for a while. oh yeah, this was a Radiohead show :) but it was one of those one-off things they do. this one had moving walls (theater walls!) and the guys ran from one stage to the next for each song/movement. it was quite elaborate. but we spent, or i spent, most of the beginning of the show trying to find a place where we would be able to see all the stages. not an easy task.

anyway. so back at the wall. we're sitting there. me with the cart. at one point i lose my friend. she went to get us some seats with friends she knows. i also have another friend in the place but i can't see her. the place is huge.

as i'm sitting there in the dark, the wall is beginning to fill up with people. i'm sitting there and it's mostly dark by now. then this one girl from work - we know of each but we don't work together - comes by and sits down next to me. she doesn't seem to have anyone with her either. she's looking for a seat. so she sits down next to me, actually kinda acknowledges me too which is cool. so we get to talking and stuff, and since people are filling up we're bundled up close to one another. that's nice. she seems to like it too. she kinda keeps to herself in real life with people she doesn't know on a personal basis, me included - we exchange hellos and shit but nothing more than that. she doesn't stop for me :) but in the dream she kinda opens up and we flirt. not too much but we flirt.

that was a nice dream.

there's also another bit where i go looking for good seats and stumble upon empty yellow beach with the biggest couch and most of the band is on this other "island" right in front of it. i call up my friends to come but expect the guys'll move to another stage as soon as the song is over.

so that's it :)
a really sweet dream.

Posted by Anonymous | 11:16 AM |