April 19, 2004

i'm sad i've gonna bump the wonderful Canadiens win for this but i just had to mention how incredibly interesting Mark Burnett's The Restaurant is. i'm not a fan, i only watched a few episodes towards the end of last season, but i was once again riveted to this show tonight. i dunno. i'm not gonna tape it but there's just something about it that when i start watching it i gotta stay to see what comes next. and Rocco, don't get me started on that brat. he's got charm and probably some talent in the kitchen, but that dude's one spiled, attention-seeking brat. what i like about the show is how they can show that he's an ass (without making him out like an out-and-out bad guy). this is one of the few shows where i don't feel manipulated into feeling good or bad about this or that character. we're not told what to think. like the cameras, we're just witnesses.

Posted by Anonymous | 11:18 PM |