May 10, 2004

well, that was another good installment of The Restaurant 2: Where's Rocco? crazy sexy waitress girl got canned. always a rough thing to go through. the fuckin' creepy maitre d' is appears to be a control freak. great. and Rocco's off with his pr manager (how much more unawaredly ironic can you get, really?) getting awards for himself and his mom, and publicizing his other restaurant even more. the show is great but i do have one major complaint about it -- what's with the fucking exposition phone calls Rocco places each time before going into his restaurant. and lose the fucking staged shots and 'conversations' with Rocco, will you, please? thanks. aside from those few moments of fakeness this show rocks. i love the staff and how they're all still left pretty much un-stereotyped by the producers.

wow. i'm stunned i didn't know about this. check out the previous staged allegations that came out previously against this show. god, i hope most of it isn't real. i can deal with a few dubbed phone calls; but staged events and fake interns? come on. is the show trying to save Rocco's ass by rewriting history here?

Posted by Anonymous | 11:00 PM |