so i came home after all that. two hours of driving around.
when i was at Future Shop i looked at the cd's but didn't get any right away. i found one but wanted to make sure it was a good buy. well, now i'm convinced and i'll be going back soon for Lee Ann Womack's There's More Where That Came From (and only $12.99 at Future Shop too). i saw the video for the aching I May Hate Myself in the Morning and loved it. that's the kind of music i've been needing these past few days.
speaking which - the ex and i are planning on seeing Ong-Bak tonight. it was her call; last night i offered her this or watching either Masayuki Suo's Shall We Dance or Jacques Becker's Casque d'or at my place. she even said Casque d'or would be her choice if we were to watch a dvd. but i just got off the phone with her and she made the wise decision of going to the movie theater instead of watching a movie at my place :) not necessarily what i would've liked but it's a wise decision. i'm okay with it. as i told her, there's always gonna be a next time when we'll be together and might wanna get closer or watch a movie on the couch and it'll be awkward or confusing to both of us. we're not immune. our grieving periods aren't over.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:25 PM