March 14, 2005

please scrap those Tarantino/Friday the 13th rumors. thank you.

oh, right: Future Roommate passed by yesterday afternoon and we signed our lease!! :D
i'm so happy that's finally done. we started talking about it, i think, almost two months ago. we kept talking about it, and even though he talked about moving in he never gave me a real final answer until a week ago. the lease begins July 1st. and i'm also happy that a) i'll be staying here, and b) not have to move again. this will be my fourth year here. the new roommate and i both think we'll get along fine -- we seem to think along the same lines when it comes to life, he's not an ass (for the record, i don't think i am either), he enjoys non-mainstream films. and our schedules will make sure we don't step on each other's toes too much. i've had some bad roommate experiences in the past (the last one being a mostly good one, though. the exception to my rule) so i know some of what to look for, and this one, from what we know, has passed the first couple of tests. i still have some lingering fears but that's normal. they'll have their chance to disappear once he comes and lives here.

Posted by Anonymous | 10:47 AM |