April 18, 2005

has Wesley Clark announced his nomination for '08? i forget Dems had some fighters in their ranks. feels good to see them come out once in a while.

this is what i've been meaning to say.
my work partner and i were talking about Sin City the other week. talk turned to my rant about Bruce Willis wasting precious screen time, especially for good movies. i remember his character from the graphic novels (btw, which i got back from my mother's house this weekend!! woohoo. that fucking rules. along with Miller's brilliant The Dark Knight Returns), especially when he gets his heart attack(s). the dude in the novels was worn down and probably in his '60s (doesn't Michael Madsen say Bruce is in his '60s in the film?). it hit me while i was watching the film -- who the hell believes Willis when he clinches his chest and drops to his knees? no one, that's who. it's supposed to be agonizing and sad, not awkward and ultimately funny. anyway. so my friend got this enlightened casting idea while watching the film -- the great, genius choice would have been ... Brian Cox.
so best.
and so perfect it hurts.

Posted by Anonymous | 12:27 AM |