April 01, 2005

Happy April Fools Day, everyone.
don't believe a thing you read on the internet today.

that being said, though, this looks legit and way too cool not to post.
i guess i'll have to hold on to my PS2 now:

24 is coming to the PS2 this fall!
now you can shit your pants.

i haven't been as fanatic about the show this year as with previous seasons. of course i think season 4 is better than season 3 but somehow i've found myself wondering about the writing. it doesn't seem to pull me in as much as season 1 and 2 did. it only seems to cover its own ass and do some awkward recap dialogue every 15 minutes. it doesn't feel as fresh as before. i'm not as excited about it, is what i'm trying to say. that's it. i'm still following it and care for Jack Bauer and the gang, but hopefully this is just the build up to a bigger and better show for seasons to come.

be creative and have fun today.

btw, what's the best April Fools you've ever pulled or been witness to?
i'm trying to get ideas :)

Posted by Anonymous | 11:43 AM |