April 26, 2005

hey all :) how ya doing? i'm doing alright. catching up on last week's 24 (i still have last night's to watch).

12:00 AM - 1:00 AM
i liked how the new President is being played as insecure. he's becoming a bit too sheepish right now but i like how the whole storyline is being played by everyone involved. including Mike. oh, and releasing Prado was the most brilliant idea the writers have come up with thus far this season (and Curtis telling Prado he will arrest him for tresspassing if he stays, thus enabling them to interrogate him at will, was just icing on the cake). and Edgar's an ass now.

dunno why but this popped up on Yahoo today -- more info on the Vincent Perez/David Duchovny film The Secret that'll shoot for two days a few streets away from here later this week. i didn't know it was based on a Japanese film.

Posted by Anonymous | 1:10 PM |