May 29, 2005

the ex was supposed to call me at 12:30 today. i woke up at noon. it didn't feel like i'd overslept but i went to bed at 1:30 am ! 10 hours of sleep. damn. anyway. i cleaned up the apartment because she would be coming soon enough, or at least would be coming after we went rollerblading. well, 12:30 passed and no call. i did my things and no call. logged off the internet around 1:30 pm and had two messages on my machine. she got home around 12:00 but had stuff to do, then a roommate went online so she couldn't call me, then she forgot. oops. her bad; i'm pissed. seems all the roommates were going out for an improvised picnic this afternoon and she was going with them. she would bring her rollerblades and if i wanted to i could go join them. yeah right. being around her friends is not my idea of a good time, post-semi-breakup. i'd like some time to talk with her, you know. so i went out rollerblading on my own at my favorite place with my trusty iPod :) tonight it seems they're going to a movie. i'm invited but again - i don't wanna be with her friends right away (maybe she's scared of my reaction. i dunno). and she's going with them. of course. i'm feeling really bitchy right now :)

anyone from Canada ever order from Threadless before? what can i expect, customs-wise?

8:16 PM

talked with the ex tonight. it was good. seems she wasn't going with her roommates to the movies tonight, she knew i was interested in the film and since they were going, she offered it to me and she'd go along. but we're not doing anything together tonight. i had my mind set on watching one of my films. and it's better this way. she agreed. we talked for a long time. she's as torn up about it, btw, which makes me feel both good (i'm not as alone as i was in this) and guilty about seeing her like this. talking makes things easier, is all i wanna share, i guess :)
have a good evening.
ps. what are you doing tonight?

Posted by Anonymous | 4:17 PM |