June 14, 2005

okay. i gotta post about yesterday's adventures with New Lab Girl (i just got to :) first, i don't see her during dinner, only the orignal Lab Girl who's apparently back from a week off. fine. then, for some reason i forgot, the partner and i decide to go through the cafeteria after dinner. i spot Original Lab Girl - but - there she is. New Lab Girl, right behind the first one. i think she spotted me but it was hard to tell because i could only see part of her face. no smiles exchanged. now it's break time and i'm anticipating her arrival. around the end of our break she finally enters the cafeteria. as she approaches our table i look up at her. no smile. she looks straight ahead or on the floor. damn. but -- she looks beautiful in this long skirt. wow. i was actually blown away and told the partner how cute she looked. really cute. see, whenever i get enthralled by a girl, i usually tend to forget about her body. i usually focus on the face for some strange reason. i realize my mistake after a while. so i wasn't sure about her. but she's fine. but that skirt... wow. :) but -- no smile. that was weird. at the end of our break we got up from table. a friend/coworker was going in the girls' direction (they were seated at their table) but yelled back my name from across the cafeteria :P nice. now she knows my name. good. we walked back towards each other and talked while Original Lab Girl got up with a friend, leaving New Lab Girl alone at her table while they talked before leaving. New Lab Girl looked at me as she passed us by. i looked at her but not as much as before. she's not the one i'm interested in. New Lab Girl stayed at her table and read. my friend called someone from a phone nearby and she turned around to see when she heard a voice talking on the phone. hopefully she thought it might be me :) but that's the extent of it. hopefully she had troubles of her own. she seemed sad. hopefully it wasn't me (as i'm wont to think about these things). hopefully she didn't hear about me and Original Lab Girl's looking contests and is pissed and feels she's been played like i do this with every girl i meet. god. i'd hate it if she'd feel hurt because of me. i'd be heartbroken knowing i was causing grief to this girl. i dunno, from afar, there's just something about her that's attracting me. hopefully this is just me being paranoid and overzealously thinking this situation, though, and tonight we'll be back where we left it last week :) hopefully. pray for me ;) ladies, i'll need your thoughts on this. (btw, this was tearing me up so much inside last night that, after work, i decided to go back out and run at the city park. it was 1 in the morning. and it felt great. and Kid A was my companion :) there's nothing like winding down from a satisfying run on the side of a lake in the middle of the night while How to Disappear starts playing. magical.)

1:10 PM

this has absolutely nothing to do with the above post, but -- it's raining!!
went out to get my oil changed this morning and it was cooler than the past 4-5 days. but the humidity was still there. i expected the rain to come tomorrow. this is cool :) the next week will cool down. finally.

Posted by Anonymous | 10:17 AM |