July 17, 2005

Haloscan is fucking up. they're showing double comments now (except for the last one which i deleted all the double posts because i thought it was a fuck-up for that particular one. it seems it's all my comments). hopefully their boards can help me out with this.

hey, so yesterday one of our coworkers was having a party at his place out in the country. but the thing is - he told me and my partner about it and dropped a detailed map to his house, the day he was going on a two-week vacation. yeah. so we were to tell everyone about it. but the thing is that a lot of folks already had plans for this weekend. i even chickened out of going in the afternoon (the party started early because he has a pool) because no one else i knew was going. another coworker and i finally decided we'd drop by in the evening for a couple of hours and conveniently slip out around 10 because she already had something (which was true). we got there and realized that not a lot of people had shown up. his girlfriend, whom we know from work, had also invited all her coworkers, so that was nice because we know some of the girls from their department (it was actually her sister, whom i also know, who asked me friday if i was going, that convinced me to at least swing by. she seemed surprised and sad when i told her i couldn't go, that i may swing by in the evening - which looked doubtful already. but she seemed dejected by my news and i wasn't ready for that. so that's why i went; and then i thought i could have fun at that party even if not a lot of our people showed up). but almost no one showed up. not even from their department. but it was still cool. they have four dogs and it was fun having them around. there were also a couple of middle-thirtysomethings, and some kids, which was weird and kinda changed the style to something closer to a family party, but there was also beer and some weed. but i was also pleasantly surprised to see these two girls from their department whom i hadn't seen in a while (i think i even passed one without realizing who it was. she later came by to introduce herself to me. lol. hopefully she didn't think i was snobbing her - which was why i made it a point to say bye to her when i left and gave her two kisses on the cheeks). that was fun. but it would've been a lot more fun at a proper outdoor party with loads of people milling around. hopefully that'll happen next month. hopefully. so that was my evening yesterday. i also spent the day washing my car, trying to get some sun. it was strange because i'm rarely 'barechested' (what the fuck is the word i'm looking for??? 'cause i know that's not the right one. that one's for a Fabio-covered romance novel and i do feel strange applying it to me :) but it was cool.

oh, so last night i'm laying in bed listening to some Podcasts when i suddenly hear the ex-ex's laughter in my head and i miss it. i make a note to write her an email in the morning letting her know this bit of info. aw, fuck it - i get up and phone her :) she wasn't there but i told her roommate just to tell her i called (it's around midnight). five minutes later the phone rings and it's her :) she just came back from the wedding she wanted me to accompany her to last week. we talked for about half an hour while she got her fake nails off (which sounded like fucking hell and now her fingertips are raw :)

so that's it. i have today off. the sky seemed more clouded up than expected and i think i'll watch a movie today -- ooh! and watch last night's Big Brother! have a good one :)

1:47 PM

how about that Big Brother, uh? wow. already the unthinkable has happened and i'm turning a corner with Janelle (totally agree with Tim - Friday and Sunday posts) and am liking her chess-playing/strategizing ass. and Howie too, for that matter. maybe the fact that they didn't show him getting his cock out in this episode helped. and i like Michael (minus the pervert part) and, of course, Kaysar. (oh, how fast things turn in the Big Brother house.) so i was sad to see Eric go after them. i do like Eric but his control freak outbursts do put me off big time (but his Iraq speech was heartwarming; i do seem to have a love/hate relationship with that guy). the new season is starting to get interesting already. (and how cute were Beau and Kaysar on that couch? lol.)

[ oh my freaking god - it exploded. i'm reading the recaps from last night, trying to get the feel of the housemates after the nominations (Michael seemed pissed at Eric when he was nominated and then given a piss-poor excuse of an explanation). oh my god. oh... you're so gonna see this on tuesday's show -- definitely tune in :) and my new man (*maybe) Howie surprisingly jumping up the challenge. ]

4:50 PM

doing nothing but surfing the net today (the roommate and gf came back earlier this afternoon so i can't really sit down and watch a movie).

Kieren Hebden (Four Tet) was in the (original) Creep video??? cool.

6:54 PM

god, CBS is really lame about announcing/promoting cool ideas -- they've got an HOH Blog set up so each HOH can write out his or her thoughts at the end of their week.

Posted by Anonymous | 11:32 AM |