August 27, 2006

dudes, it's raining like crazy this evening. i like that. the sky is dark and the rain can be heard on the windows from time to time. these are the best circumstances under which to watch a movie; which i shall finally do tonight. for some reason, i've had weeks and weeks where i could take in a film but i always end up milling about on the internets or watching the BB feeds. speaking of which...

BB7 | Erika took the secure route (and thank god for that). hopefully Janelle still has her eyes wide open. Boogie inserts an ignorant anti-Muslim view while 'mocking' Kaysar. the usually calm Erika unknowingly shows her ugly side (ugly to ugly, that is) by being strangely arrogant and condescending towards Chicken George, telling him that he and her have !AN ALLIANCE!. for some reason, she's starting to lose her mind. go Janelle :) ps. i was seriously hating Will for the despicable way he was playing this season, but i've turned a corner recently. i don't know why. maybe because he's taken Janelle under his wing this past week. i think the only season i hadn't watched before was Season 2. the Evil Dr. Will season. i'd heard about it, of course, but never saw it. these caps make me feel all funny inside. as if i'm watching a younger version of Dr Lecter during his first stab at BB. the experience is not there, but you can still see the brilliance and the madness in his playing. ...awesome! :) (having said that, no one will ever make me like Boogie. now that's a waste of a human being.)

Posted by Anonymous | 7:27 PM |